Ghost Girl
Written and Illustrated by Gracie Hawkins, “Ghost Girl” follows the story of a young girl who meets a ghost. While the two might seem like strangers it seems they have met before?
Ghost girl has been highly commended by fans across the board for it’s liminal story telling style and supernatural art style.
“Be sure to pick up a copy and read this interesting short story of a girl and a ghost, who seems to know her from one of their lives. Amazing Thanks to the talented @iigracie for allowing us to sell this book!” - Forbidden Planet Dublin
Now Available in Forbidden Planet Dublin and via my website
The Midnight Hound
The Midnight Hound is a children's Picture Book written and illustrated by Gracie Hawkins released in 2022. Since it's released it has been stocked in bookshops across Ireland and sold to loving homes across the world.
It follows the Midnight hound, A blue hound who is also a figure of anti anxiety for children suffering from nightmares. The Midnight Hound always knows how to solve them!
Highly commended by As I Am Ireland and The National College of Ireland, The Midnight Hound is the perfect anti anxiety tool for children.
Now available via my website and several retailers across Ireland